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Press, Trucker's Friend -

The 'Truckers Friend' may have started out as a great tool for any truck driver to have aboard in his rig, as the go to tool. But now homeowners, campers, emergency workers, all are finding this is the one tool that everyone will find uses for. Read the full review at Sniffing4Savings.

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Press, Trucker's Friend -

Any time a multi-tool looks like a hand-to-hand combat weapon right off a post-apocalypse movie, we have to gush. And gush like young girls at a Justin Bieber concert is exactly what we do at the Trucker's Friend, a multi-purpose tool designed for the cats with greasy mesh caps, flannel shirts and a sweaty crack sneaking out the back of their pants. Or whatever other truck driver stereotype you subscribe to. Read the full feature on

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